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A member registered Sep 07, 2020

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You need to enable OpenXR in SteamVR by going to Settings > Show Advanced Settings, then go into Developer > Set as current OpenXR runtime.

exactly. That's their point.

(2 edits)

yes, you need a computer with good dedicated graphics. I have a GTX 1650 which runs he game great 

(1 edit)

just click more, then click run anyways. It's a common issue with new games. It will keep doing this until Windows recognizes that it has enough downloads and trusts the app.

They mean from a gameplay perspective

I too don't see the stars

he knows that, you said that earlier. Specify what chips like he’s asking

No, the architecture does matter. All Unity programs (and all compiled programs for that matter) are compiled to machine code, and each CPU family has a different machine code instruction set. PCs and most macs up to this point have x86 family processors which are all compatible with each other but a raspi has an Arm CPU (like the one in most phones or tablets). It’s true that the system calls for all Linux systems regardless of arch remain the same, but the actual instructions that are used to do computation and handle memory are very different.

yes it can, just build an adder like he did and add two registers. Run the output of the alu back into one of the registers. 

yes you can only run it on x86 systems


use repeated subtraction. It’s a little difficult to do it in circuits

yes you can. Select and press backspace

what OS are you using? Windows? Use explorer and select Extract All. MacOS? Double-click it. Linux? Use the zip command or whatever Desktop Environment

yesss it’s awesome!

drag them to move them and click the delete button to delete them

string together an odd number of not gates in a loop. The more not gates the slower the clock

select it and press backspace

follow along with the video. It shows you how to make other gates using the starting two. Click the sides to make inputs and outputs

it’s not a browser game tho, you have to download it

(1 edit)

yea :( so is the entire series. I might make a part 3 on my YouTube channel using this simulator. I’ll make a cpu using his alu and registers, and in part 4 I will combine the cpu with some ram and stuff to make an actual cpu

agreed. It’s made in unity so he could make a mobile version at some point

Just extract it and run the .exe or .app or Linux executable

select a chip and press backspace to delete, and it autosaves whenever you create a chip

spoken like someone who has no flipping idea what Linux is or how it works, don’t give an answer if you don’t understand the question.

Yes actually! Although the app is made for Linux computers with x86 processors, whereas the raspberry Pi has an arm64 processor, you can use the QEMU user mode emulator to run x86 apps on the raspberry Pi. You also need to install the x86 version of glibc and whatnot.

click the side to make an input or output

On Mac: to open you have to go to applications in Finder, right-click the app, click open. You need to do this to confirm the opening even though the app is not signed.

On Windows: click more info, then run anyways

don’t be rude u have your answer. 



wine pls

dont be rude,  and you can play the game on mac with wine.

*phew*. i've told everyone in this comment section that you can play the game on mac and linux. (also freebsd/openbsd/solaris, if you use them) you just need to download wine.

you can play the game on mac using wine.

thank you man!! ive been telling literally everyone in these comments that you can play the game with wine. Finally someone who knows!!

use wine. its website is here.

use wine.

use wine `sudo apt install wine` on ubuntu/debian or `sudo yum install wine` on centos/redhat/fedora to install wine and then run the game using `wine <path to game>.exe`

you can run windows apps on mac using wine.